LEI' d In The Shade - 59

Posted : Thursday, January 09, 2025 06:24 AM | 4 views

WANT TO GET LEI'D??? Glitter Graphics SO....YOU...Think....YOU... Have It Made In The Shade? Glitter Graphics ~~~~~~~~Not~~Unless~~~~~~~~~~ Personalized Glitter Graphics 'YOU'.....Have Been Lei'd In The Shade! Glitter Graphics Let Me Squeeze 'YOU' Build your own Blingee Tease 'YOU' Glitter Graphics And Most of All Please 'YOU' Glitter Graphics I Can Even Come To 'YOU'~~~~~To Make It EASY! Add Glitter to your Photos I Think It Is Clear~~~~~~~~~~~~Summer Is Here Create cool Profile Comments It's Time........To GeT Lei'd Create cool Profile Comments In ThE ShaDe Personalized Glitter Graphics ALOHA~~~~Call If YOU Want To Get Lei'D Myspace Glitter Graphics And Then 'YOU' WILL Have It 'Made In The Shade' ASK ABOUT OUR HUMP DAY SPECIAL: TWO [2] GIRLS INSTEAD OF ONE [1] [IF 2 HANDS ARE GREAT~~~~~~~~~~~ 4 ARE BETTER ] 30 MIN / $150~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1 HOUR / $250 MULT HRS: $250 1ST HR~~~~~~~~~~$150 EA HR / THERE AFTER [MAX 12 HRS} ALL DAY EXCURSION: $2,400 [MAX 24 HRS] WEEDEND RENDEVOUS: $4,000 [MAX 48 HRS] WKND RENDEVOUS SPEC: 2 DAYS ~~ FOR ~~ PRICE OF 1 [$2,400] Good Thru July 2010!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Certified Clinical Sexologist ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CALL: LaNETTE 602-714-4272 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CHARGES__4 TIME ONLY //// NO CHG__4 SEXUAL FAVORS The money exchanged between consenting adults is for professional services only. This is not a solicitation for prostitution. IF CASH IS TIGHT.....I WILL CONSIDER PARTIAL OR FULL TRADES! Please Negotiate All Trades In Advance *************WILL TRADE 4***************** Number 1 Need: Dental Work - Lower Bridge / Partial FACE LIFT, BOOB JOB, HORMONE THERAPY [THANK-YOU DR. S] JEWELRY [THANK-YOU' TO SEVERAL OF YOU] ANYTHING NICE AND SOME THINGS TWICE!! Veternarian: Puppy Shots, Etc. Vehicle: Van / Convertible Or Both [THANK-YOU J FOR THE CONVERSION VAN] Van Maintenance: Tires, Battery, Service, Etc. Motorcycles: Sportsters for Around Town FUN!!! PERSONAL MAINTANCE, eTc, ELECTRONICS: CoMpUtOrS, Laptops, Printer, Etc [THANK-YOU J FOR THE [2] LAPTOPS AND PC W/FLATSCREEN] Bluetooth IPAD BOSE CD/RAdIO SYSTEM / Would Still Like A Bose Small System for Traveling [THANK-YOU J FOR THE SIRIUS SATELITE RADIO] FlaT Screen TV, luggage, [NEED MORE] [THANK-YOU J] USE YOUR IMAGINATION - BE CREATIVE, ONLY QUALITY MERCHANDISE PLEASE!! CaLL ME: LaNeTTe__602-714-4272__! Photos by Pepper [A Phoenix Provider] ***267-584-5586*** Myspace Glitter Graphics dallas ts escorts,ts escort crawler,escorts available now,oklahoma ts escorts,ts escorts in detroit,baltimore transgender escorts,escorts en bronx,motels corpus christi,ts escort in nc,female escorts in the bronx
  • Post ID : 2134697
  • Poster's age : 28
  • City : Inland Empire
  • Address : Pasadena